Thursday, August 27, 2020
Informative Speech On Tourism Essays - Terrorism,
Enlightening Speech on Tourism Introduction Envision yourself flying in a plane to US for a mid year work. You are heading out to encounter new nation, work, to meet new companions from everywhere throughout the world. What's more, you believe that you are extremely glad to be in that position. Everything is by all accounts immaculate in your life, with the exception of some irrelevant subtleties. Be that as it may, out of nowhere an equipped psycho puts a firearm barrel to your head and announces that he needs to change the plane course, and if this won't be done he will execute you. No one can tell how genuine his goals can be. You start to fell frenzy understanding that you can bite the dust very soon. What will occur straightaway? Will the pilot change the course? Will the distraught person murder you to show others that his goals are not kidding and simply snatch another casualty? Or on the other hand will he detonate a bomb and everybody in the plane will bite the dust? You never know. A large portion of you presumably have just comprehended that today I am going to converse with you about psychological militants and their activities. I am doing an exploration paper for my composed interchanges class and I have perused a lot of data about the issue. Thus, my discourse will comprise of three focuses. first I'll clarify the meaning of fear mongering and some foundation of it. 2ndly I' talk around 4 significant kinds of fear based oppressors At long last We'll see a few activities that administrations do to forestall fear based oppression. - - - - 1 - - - - In each sort of society, in all times of history, there are individuals who are not happy with the laws, rules, guidelines, governmental issues or social circumstance. Some of them can't discover legitimate approaches to make themselves observable, or to change something. The lawful ways like working, looking for a decent vocation appear to them inadequate, or they essentially don't have suitable perspectives for them. Along these lines, they pick the method of savagery and egotism coordinated against the quiet individuals. The individuals, who practice brutality against the others to make an effect on government so as to arrive at their monetary or political objectives, are called psychological oppressors. Their activities are called psychological oppression. These days, there are an ever increasing number of serene individuals enduring on account of the various types of fear mongering everywhere throughout the world. Psychological oppression is a fairly old marvel. Indeed, even in the primary century AD, in Palestine, there was a faction of the Sicarians, which used to slaughter the Jews who had regular arrangements with the Romans ( Boltunov). In the nineteenth century Philosophy of the bomb won. This way of thinking upheld the guideline by which little gatherings of individuals would have the option to cause the extremely limit of mayhem (quot. Reference book Britannica p.232). - - - - 2 - - - - As a matter of first importance, there are fear mongers who are devotees. They act along these lines due to their solid accepts about particular sorts of legislative issues or religion. They are certain that their activities will carry an advantage to their nation and will assist with changing the existence individuals positively. They accept that they are battling for right good standards. There were some quiet casualties during the activity. Typically, it is important to pay with blood for the better future (quot. Boltunov M. p.32). Second, extremely normal kind of the psychological oppressors is twisted people. The individuals who don't acknowledge any guidelines and guidelines whatsoever. They prefer not to be constrained by someone. They couldn't care less about the individuals' lives. They need force, and they want to arrive at it by utilizing viciousness. Typically such individuals want to take prisoners. It is genuine joy for them to feel that they reserve a privilege to conclude who will be executed, and who will remain alive. Third principle bunch incorporates the individuals who have various types of mental issues. The psychological considering such individuals may likewise incorporate the ethical highlights of the fear mongers from both of the recently referenced sorts. They additionally look for force and act fanatically. Their obvious end results are for the most part capricious, in this way, it is very hard to battle with them. They are called crazy people. Close to these three primary gatherings, there are likewise many single psychological oppressors who act as a result of their own inspirations. It is difficult to portray every one of them. They can differ from individual to individual. Normally these individuals are not as hazardous as the ones who identify with the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marketing Audit Barriers case study Nokia Essay Example For Students
Showcasing Audit Barriers : contextual investigation Nokia Essay Task on Showcasing arranging Unit 19 Task 1:Marketing Audit A ; Barriers Errand 1 Presentation of Nokia Nokia is an itinerant organization who are focused on connecting individuals. In September 2013, Nokia declared to come in into a comprehension with Microsoft. Nokia physical make-up with joined propelled designing with individualized administrations, which makes individuals to stay close. Nokia plans to focus on three set up worry in the market fragments where NSN is pioneer in web foundation and administrations. Nokia set up their anxiety in numerous topographic focuses around the universe as Brazil-Manus set up in 1998, China-Beijing built up in 1995, Hungary-Komaron set up in 1999, India-Chennai set up in 2006. Nokia president and between time CEO is Risto Siilasmaa. Around the universe, 1.3 billion individuals are connecting Nokia gadget with migrant telephone to throb telephone and work with high open introduction itinerant registering machines each twenty-four hours. Coordinating Nokia gadget with cutting edge benefits through Ovi customers might have the option to download mu sic, Google maps, applications, electronic mail and that's only the tip of the iceberg. So internationally, Nokia gives arrangements and administrations to imparting web. 1.1 A ; 1.2 Changing position and rating of organisation’s ability for be aftering its henceforth selling movement Nokia is focusing on cardinal concern nations like top of the line advanced cells and mass-showcase Mobile telephones where every unit segments will see net gain and deficit obligation including stock turn of events, stock heading and product selling for all customer encounters. Nokia is making another driving crew and activity development by which they plan for future selling action. Nokia is building up new advanced mobile phone like Nokia Lumia 925, 630, 520. These symbian Smartphone is making a triumphant windows telephone when other telephone organizations are refreshing cell phone applications, Nokia was go oning to focusing on itinerant telephone gadgets rather than cell phone applications. Subsequently Nokia missed the significant adjustments in Smartphone upset of its market as the customer entry from customary roaming telephones to throb telephones, which different telephones organizations are showcasing reasonable French phone with arranged attributes. The money related estimation of Nokia was moderately high. The worry of Nokia has become stock centered rather than customer point of convergence. In this way, Nokia botched the opportunity. Be that as it may, presently Nokia has refreshed their French phones and included some specific applications and attributes like music, Google maps, applications, electronic mail, games media sharing, on-line shop and so on in their smarts telephones. As the customers of Nokia can download from ovi shops on the web and they can other than download figure of projects and itinerant bundle for power. In add-on, Nokia site gives the arrangement of the activity of their consumer’s gadget and bundle. Henceforth, the characteristic of Nokia is to connecting individuals. Consequently, it very well may be said that Nokia can convey their anxiety in the great beyond by refreshing their equipment and including some sole attributes in their product. 1.3 Authoritative examining and breaking down of outer components and strategies that may affect selling arranging Meaning of SWOT investigation: SWOT investigation is utilized to examination company’s situation by which it assesses the company’s generally quality, coming up short, possibilities and hazards. ( Ferrel A ; Hartline,2012 ) SWOT investigation of Nokia: Positive Negative Inward Quality Fizzling Openings Dangers Outer Graph of SWOT investigation Quality Nokia is the world’s greatest maker, industry and distributer of PDAs. Nokia telephones are enduring, enduring and reliable. Around the universe, Nokia is taking the planetary phone industry. Nokia follows all way conspires with new coevals qualities and way from businesses. Nokia work power works with cutting edge building. Nokia has collection of product in various money related worth extension. Falling flat Nokia total compensation outskirt has dropped 40 % in 2010. ( 2010-07-22 ) Nokia telephones financial qualities are higher correlation with other mobile phone. Some hypothetical record of Nokia telephones has been dropped by the distributer because of low market request, similar to E-71. Nokia has barely any serving Center correlation with other telephone organization. Openings Today in Asia traveling telephone industry is one of the quickest turning industry. Since the populace is higher in Asia close to than other mainland. Consequently Nokia gets the opportunity to get these market. Nokia has colossal interest of conceivable in creating states like China, India, and Bangladesh. Nokia has opportunity to do overall gains by selling roaming telephone in various states. In Asia youthful individuals needs popular and a la mode French phones, which Nokia has. People groups from various salary gathering can take Nokia French phone orchestrating to their spending plan. Burmese Days Analysis EssayMenaces of substitute’s stocks Nokia has expansive extent of roaming telephones with various qualities and financial qualities. So all individuals can ready to buy the traveling telephone with their spending plan. Elderly individuals other than incline toward Nokia roaming telephones since it is anything but difficult to run. Nokia follows all way plots with new coevals attributes and way so customer get more pulled in. Threats of substitute’s stocks Nokia do non much customer consideration Center, if any customer remain extremely far, they may use other exchange name cell phone which customer consideration are accessible. Nokia PDAs are equipped for clump of guide alongside there are numerous utility maps where customer may buy for example advanced camera which takes preferable exposures over PDAs. Clients depend on itinerant telephones and they expect all the maps will be at that place on their French phone if a few maps or attributes are non at that place the customer may travel and buy other exchange name advanced mobile phones. Serious rivalry Nokia make PDA like Nokia Lumia which are symbian bundle windows telephones other than their challengers as of now by Android cell phones which are further developed such exchange names are Samsung, Symphony and so forth so there is tiny differentiation between the adversaries which implies new advanced cells like Nokia Lumia will happen hard to battle with their opponents. So competitory rivalry is truly is truly elevated and Nokia must be perceptive of the danger that opponents have on their anxiety. 1.4 Hierarchical evaluating and investigation of outside variables that influence showcasing arranging of the organization Watchman 5 power examination influence promoting arranging of Nokia Watchman five-power examination influence selling arranging of Nokia by helping to comprehend Nokia quality of current spot of the organization. Doorman 5 power examination assists with cognizing the organization Nokia which are affecting others organizations to come in the market. It other than assists with cognizing whether different organizations are affecting Nokia stock as a threat of utility product for their lower financial qualities or better open introduction. It other than know how subordinate the organization is to their suppliers are accessible, which supplier are giving products at lower money related worth. The organization Nokia ought to cognize their get bringing down capacity to buyers like what number of customers can buy their product inside their extension. Contrast with different organizations Nokia is convey throughing customer requests by given new coevals qualities with alluring way. By making doorman 5 power examination it encourages Nokia to cause promoting to be aftering like how Nokia will make this worry in drawing nearer yearss. Undertaking 2 2.1 The central boundaries to showcasing making arrangements for Nokia The central boundary of showcasing arranging of Nokia is that Nokia has insufficiency of perception and selling achievements. There is lack of deliberate assault in advertising arranging. Nokia is befuddled between the selling guide and selling build. Their strategies and concern conspire is acceptable. Contrasting with different organizations Nokia is non passing on new product with hello tech attributes inside a brief time of clasp where Samsung, Symphony can. The fiscal estimation of itinerant telephone is moderately high than different organizations fitting to the qualities and utilizations of roaming telephone. Along these lines, they can non battle with their adversaries. 2.2 The most effective method to show signs of improvement of obstructions To improve of these boundaries Nokia should reconsider their market plan and selling achievements. To battle with rivals Nokia can part into littler market segment where the fit product for that picked advertise segment. Nokia should moo the fiscal estimation of their roaming telephone and they other than should include more qualities and applications in the telephone. Nokia should expand their commercial and exposure, these is the way Nokia may ready to show signs of improvement of their boundaries. Notices lt ; World Wide Web. us gt ; Ferrell, O.C and Hartline, M. ( 2012 ) ,Selling Scheme, 6Thursdayedition, UK: Cengage Learning. Ruth, M. ( 2010 ) ,Management of peril, Ireland, TSO Henry, A. ( 2011 ) ,Understanding Strategic course, UK, Oxford University Press 1
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Use Essay Samples to Your Advantage
How to Use Essay Samples to Your AdvantageIf you are planning to apply for college or university this year, you should know that there are many online resources that you can use to prepare your essay for your application. Essay samples are a great way to get prepared. However, not all of them are created equal and you should know what you should be looking for.The first thing you want to look for is the style of the original essay. Many essays that are given to students are very typical and almost word for word. This can definitely show on the test, so try to avoid writing like this. It does not have to be word for word either, but if it is not something that you would enjoy reading then you will probably be doing much better without it.If you are looking for more traditional English then you might want to consider an essay that has been edited. This will help make it more fun and interesting to read. Look for essays that have some sort of structure such as an introduction and a conc lusion.Another thing you should look for is some sort of evidence that your experience is genuine. Make sure that you write about things that you personally experienced and talk about how these experiences have shaped who you are today. You do not want your essay to turn into a rant, but it is okay to talk about personal things if you feel comfortable doing so.In addition to this, you also want to make sure that your essay is something that is related to your academic background. You should make sure that you provide examples of your writing skills and your writing abilities. If you were able to finish a difficult assignment in college, then use that to back up your claims of how you are a good writer.Even if you have never studied college before, you can still write a good essay. Just be sure that you can write well. If you are struggling to find a good topic to write about, consider working with an English professor or tutor to help you out.There are many sites that will give you essay samples. This is a great place to start because many of these sites are actually written by people who are going through the same thing you are. You can find other students who are going through the same process and it can be a great way to learn from their mistakes.Hopefully this article was helpful to you. Essay samples can be very helpful when you are applying for college, but you should also look for something that is original and something that makes you feel proud to read. Good luck!
Monday, May 25, 2020
The United States And The Civil War - 817 Words
Ariana Murrieta Ms. Klanderud US History 18 September 2015 The United States dealt through many problems and challenges that they were forced to overcome. Throughout the battles that The U.S. faced, they encountered many benefits that shaped them. Such as the conflict in the west, the gilded age the change and industrialization, along with the progressive area were events that lead to the problems and issues that the United States addressed. Because of the Civil War, the lives of American Indians were greatly impacted. Before the civil war, Indian tribes and whites were enemies. By the end of the war, the two groups had grown together and became significant to one another, this included the Great Plains. This was a huge benefit for†¦show more content†¦The tribe was much divided but without these two leaders, the tribes would have been destroyed. The tribes were able to live in peace for a while until they were forced to move and so that is when their chief Joseph who lead them as they moved to the Idaho reservation. The Indians wanted to remain independent so they headed north. As the tribe was led by their chief the US wouldn’t let the tribe out of their sight, and finally were able to catch up to them. Once the US caught up they stopped most of the Indians from moving forward. The U.S were successful in putting them back onto the reservation. The US army faced challenges when it came to battles with the Sioux. The problem with this battle was that the Lakota Sioux was winning the battle and before peace was settled by the government, many U.S troops were killed. The US government created the Grants peace policy which was made to help war with the Indians. The Indians would be allowed to have their freedom. After that had happened, The U.S. created the Dawes Severalty a] Act which had a goal of making the Indians owners of farms and lands. Throughout much of the West, the battle between those who wanted to control the land, and those who wanted land for their cattle. America dealt with all this as the west was expanding as they defeated the Indians and successfully creating the Homestead Act. The U.S. also expanded through the use of transportation. Railroads became important
Thursday, May 14, 2020
War and Peace in the Quran Free Essay Example, 3500 words
Jihad can be hardly understood by the Westerners. To tell the truth, even Muslims themselves have long been negotiating about the issues of war and peace and jihad, respectively. Regarding modern Islamic discourse of war and peace, historical events, a process of decolonization etc, Muslim intellectuals have started to express common points of view on jihad. Though certain debates are still echoed in the Islamic world, processes of globalization and international relations development have shifted from jihad, in comparison with the Medieval Age (Holmes 1989). Moreover, it is relevant nowadays not only to reconsider and reinterpret Islamic considerations about jihad but also try to find out something positive and alternative for the Western theory of war and peace. Two main sources of Islamic ethics are Qur'an and practice (Sunna) of the prophet Muhammad. Let s turn our attention to these two sources and to considerations of the grounds of war and the means of war in the Medieval Age . Moreover, it is interesting to find out common features between Islamic and Western traditions, i.e. between jihad and Just War. The main controversy about jihad occurs on the basis of the juristic historical definition of war and peace and not philosophical or ethical sources. We will write a custom essay sample on War and Peace in the Quran or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Thus essential political issues of that period remained uncovered and ethics was not applied to specific situations. Islamic history of the end of the fourteenth century has the following lines: wars and different kinds of fighting have always occurred in the world since God created it (Qur an).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Issue Of Gun Control - 938 Words
During presidential debates numerous controversial issues are discussed. Some of the controversial issues have been a topic of interest for ongoing years, furthermore; divide the populous of the nation. Aside from the stand on abortion, a never ending debate that can affect nearly every American is gun control. Both sides of gun control are equally adamant. The pro side, represented by the NRA, National Rifle Association continues to oppose gun policies primarily on the argument that restricting gun ownership is unconstitutional. However, gun control advocates argue that that violence is an epidemic across the country that is out of control. The second amendment to the constitution states that Americans have the right to keep and bear arms without government interference. The government tries to implement laws that will affect everyone. Rightfully so, the focus and concern should preventing the juveniles and criminals access to weapons. However, as history and time have shown us, c riminals do not obey the laws as it is, after all; this is why we do call them criminals. Implementing laws on gun control will not affect criminals’ possession or access to weapons. For example, multiple drugs such as cocaine and heroin are illegal, yet we have plenty of addicts occupying our society. For criminals, if there is a will there is a way. Criminal behavior cannot be controlled by the government. Criminals now, who already possess handguns, have moreShow MoreRelatedGun Issue And Gun Control1401 Words  | 6 PagesUniversity, Gun Politics has been a course I have aspired to take. While many enroll in such a course looking for an escape from the â€Å"collegiate liberal echo chamber†or as an outlet for their conservative agendas, I saw the class as an â€Å"entrance to the dark side.†My views on guns prior to the class were, I would call, polarized yet uninformed. In most of my discussions, I would cite the Australian 1996 National Firearms Agree ment as precedent for how American politicians should approach the gun issueRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagessomebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun.†(Simple Minded Gun Control). Gun control is a controversial issue worldwide. The reason why this has attracted so much attention is because not everyone is in favor of gun control and each side brings up excellent points about the issue. Research related to this issue strongly supports the claim that there SHOULD be more gun control laws. Three arguments that prove this position are (1) Incidents like Sandy HookRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1489 Words  | 6 Pagessplit on the issue of gun control. We have seen many violent shootings and innocent people dying because of gun violence. Some Americans believe we need strict gun laws to protect our children and ourselves from these horrific tragedies. Other Americans believes it is our rights as Ameri cans to posses’ guns and we are entitled to that right in our constitution. There are also some Americans that are stuck in the middle and can see both sides but recent events have definitely caused this issue to be inRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1031 Words  | 5 Pagesintegrate them in a way that will trigger a new viewpoint on the subject. Gun control is something that should be enforced across the world in order to save lives. In the United States there is a ratio of 88.8 guns per one hundred persons ( Those numbers award us with the highest total per capita number in the world. With that amount of firepower there needs to be an efficient way to regulate who exactly can purchase a gun. Since 1791 when the second amendment was ratified there have beenRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1705 Words  | 7 Pagesaway without preface or reason. All someone needs to do is pull the trigger. In today’s world, guns are far too accessible to the people of society. We hear in the news, stories of mass shootings, homicides, and suicides; most of which are caused by the activation of a gun. A hot-button issue, gun control is one of the most debated topics in American politics. Should we, or should we not, be able to own guns? Although it infringes on the Second Amendment that provides the right to bear arms, this amendmentRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control951 Words  | 4 PagesGun control has been a big topic for the past decade in the united states. These debates will rise and fall time in and time out after something horrific happens in the state. Anti-Gun supporters do not realize that it is extremely difficult to regulate something in the states that is a big portion of our economy.Would stricter gun laws change anything? So far statistically It has been proven otherwise one must consider how a citizen would defend themselves when they are faced with terror. How willRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control929 Words  | 4 PagesGu n Control Getting arrested yesterday was not the highlight of my week. I was hungry; so I went to Wal-Mart get some charcoal, lighter fluid, and steak. I put the charcoal in the grill and the lighter fluid on the coals. I got a little lighter fluid on my arm, but I didn’t pay it much attention. I lit the match and threw it on the coals. I looked down and my sleeve was on fire. I was waving my arm in the air, trying to put it out. Then here they come the police pulled in and tackled me to theRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1552 Words  | 7 PagesThe issue of gun is always controversial. Firearm can be used as defending or an assaulting weapon. In United States, firearm increase the rate of homicide, suicide and gun violence, which can harm and murder people. Moreover, taking away people’s gun will not work effectively because the murder and criminal will find another ways to get guns. Also, the black market will appear for the people who cannot get guns from regulated market s. In addition, if regulated guns are banned, murderers may useRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1678 Words  | 7 PagesJanuary 2014 The 2nd Amendment Over the past few years, the issue of gun control has been widely discussed. You surely have heard the phrase, â€Å"Guns don’t kill people, people kill people†uttered and i wholeheartedly support this statement. It is important to treat guns responsibly so they do not end up in the wrong hands. I believe gun control violates our inalienable rights. Another piece of our liberty will surely be taken away if guns are banned, and socialism and totalitarianism will be rightRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1208 Words  | 5 PagesWill Christopherson Traverson English 2 1 March 2017 Gun Control The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, or about 270,000,000 guns, which is the highest total and per capita number across the globe. The current public gun control debate in the United States seems to be placed on standby until it is sparked up by a major mass shooting. There were at least 126 mass shootings between January 2000 and July 2014.(pro). Opponents of more gun laws accuse supporters of using a horrific event to further
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Legal Framework and Significance of HR Practices
Question: Describe about the Legal Framework and Significance of HR Practices. Answer: Introduction In this assignment, a case scenario has been given where a company has raised issues against an employees assumed conduct. The company has fired the employee for this reason. The employee named Tolu has approached an HR consultant to discuss about her future action. The employee believes that, she has been treated unfairly. She believes that she has the freedom of speech and the company has no right to check her personal communication, which has nothing to do with her job. Here the HR consultant has to analyze all the critical issues that have been raised by the company against Tolu. These issues are like company reputation, staff communication, privacy at work and managing conduct. The HR consultant also need to find out the legal position of the employee against the company regarding the regarding her termination over Face book post. It is also required to be analyzed whether employees can whatever they want on their social media accounts. In addition, the HR consultant also needs to investigate the implication of ethical practices regarding the management of social media within workplace. The HR consultant can take relevant examples and case laws to support his or her judgement. In this task, the HR consultant has to evaluate those issues related with employees misconduct that has been raised by the company. In this case scenario, the employee named Tolu worked as customer service assistance for a Holiday Company. She has the responsibility to provide support for holiday package booking and online flight booking for customers. The company is recently checking the personal blogs and social media accounts of its employees. From one of the Facebook comments, the company comes to know that Tolu is going to take a sick leave, as she cannot work with headache. The management of the company knows that she is not sick. As she is going to give wrong information to the company as the reason of leave, the company treated it as alleged conduct. The company decides to terminate her employment immediately. There are some severe issues have been raised by the company against the employee. They are such as hampering company reputation, alleged conduct, communication between employees and privacy at work. As Armstrong and Taylor (2014) stated that, reputation of an organization can be termed as an opinion of people about that organization. Most of the organizations are very concern about their brand image or public reputation. As Jabbour et al. (2013) mention that, company reputation is a distinct form of brand image, which can be developed with the help of positive communication and conversation with customers and other stockholders. Behaviors of stakeholders such as commitment, advocacy are the positive outcome of company reputation. According to Jose and Mampilly (2012), any corporate misstep or wrongdoing can negatively affect the reputation of the company. For example, the company Coca-Cola lost more than $60 million in the year of 1999, as some schoolchildren reported to have sympto ms like shivering, nauseas, and shivering after drinking the product (Antonioli et al. 2013). In this case, scenario the holiday company thinks that Tolus comment in the Facebook page can give wrong information about the working environment of the company. It can negatively affect the company reputation. There is another issue has been raised against the employee in effective management of conduct. According to Hoch and Dulebohn (2013), a company always wants to maintain discipline at workplace in order to control the behavior of employees. It also helps the corporation to establish company rules. The major reason behind conduct management is correct behavior of employees. There are some major example of misconduct is like dishonesty, use of abusive language, theft, failure to notify absence etc. In this scenario, the company has considered Tolu as a dishonest employee. As the company knows that, she is not actually sick; the company accuses her for misconduct. There is also another issue that has been raised in this case, which is the privacy of employees at work. According to Katou and Budhwar (2012), individuals have less privacy rights at work than they have in their personal life. Workers do not have the privacy to check their emails at the work. In the workplace, employers have the power to check their conversations at workplace. In some states like California, rules have been developed that a notification has be sent to the employees when employers check their personal messages ( 2016). The US Supreme Court has developed policy that employers can check the messages of employees. Here the company management has checked the Face Book account of Tolu and finds out the conversation. In this case, the employee has to be more cautious while talking in social media. Tolu has to be more careful to say what she wants on her Facebook page or in her blog. She was aware that the company management had been recently going through the socia l networking sites of new recruitments. However, the company was also reviewing the blogs of existing employees as well. Tolu was not aware about it. She unknowingly has posted a comment about taking a sick leave due to headache. As she is not actually sick, she has to be more careful about leaving any false comment in social media sites. However, Tolu can take some legal actions against the company. There is some employee information, which is legal for surveillance. Employers can check whether employees are violating the company policy or not ( 2016). Management can check personal messages of employee to investigate any criminal incident. In this case, the company should not have checked the Facebook account. Tolu in her comment mentioned that she might have taken a sick leave due to headache. However, she came to office regularly. Still the company accused her for false information. Here the employee can take protection of International human rights law 2006. In the article 19 of International convent on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), it has been mentioned that every person has the right to hold any opinion without any interference. They have the right to impart or receive ideas or information with the help of any media. In this task, the HR consultant has to critically discuss the application of good practices regarding the management of social media at the workplace. Presently most of the peoples in this world use social media. There are more than 1.1 billion users of Facebook, more than 500 million users of Twitter and 225 users of LinkedIn ( 2016). It is also analyzed that huge numbers of employees use social media at workplace. In US, there are more than 66% employees use social media more than 2 hours per day ( 2016). 25% peoples who will reject to work in a company prohibit the use of social media. This huge amount of usage of social media has created fear in the mind of employers. From the contemporary human resource management theory, it has been found that inappropriate HR practice related with social media management can decrease the productivity of employees. As Alfes et al. (2013) mentioned that social media policies are also an important part of HR practices just like other polices such as discrimination, vacation and leave. Governments of various countries have developed some rules and regulations related with the social media HR practices. Some of these regulations are self-contradictory in nature, which creates confusion. However, the basic principle of social media HR practice is about respect (Kehoe and Wright 2013). The HR practices must have to respect employees privacy and employers authority. There are mainly two rules related with the social media HR practices related with respect. Firstly, employers of a company have to be careful with the terms they use and the context in which these terms are used. Secondly, employers have to be tolerating about public criticism (Marler and Fisher 2013). For example, a restaurant chain has fired an employee for leaving informal comment about the supervisor in Facebook. In reply, the employed had developed a YouTube video to share his experience at workplace. There are thousands of viewers, who watch this video in YouTube. It has distorted the reputation of the restaurant chain. Employees also have to be careful about using social media. They must not leave any irrelevant or informal message about the company in social media. They need to understand that these comments can harm the reputation of company and distort the brand image. It can lead to suspension or permanent suspension of an employee from a job (Marescaux et al. 2012). In t his case scenario, Tolu had to be cautious about leaving a comment on Facebook related with sick leave. As Morgeson et al. (2013) mentioned that, the HR practices related with social media management can be best described with the help of RESPECT. Responsibly Workers have to be responsible for three aspects. They have to be responsible for the content of the post and the audience these posts reach. They also have to think about the potential impact of these posts. For example, an officer of Boston Police department kept on tweeting about a bombing incident in Boston. For this reason, he was fired from the job ( 2016). He violated all these three rules. Etiquette Employees cannot leave any comment in social media sites, which give rise to racial discrimination (Renwick et al. 2013). They must not harass other employees using their social media comments. It is against the policy of a company to develop harassment and discrimination free working environment (Weber et al. 2012). Figure 1: Effective HR practices to control usage of social media (Source: Jabbour et al. 2013) Selectivity Employees have to be selective about the time, situation, and content of their comments. For example, good review of employees about a company can improve its operation. On the contrary, negative feedback about supervisors, working environment can harm the reputation of the company. Privacy The National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) has considered that contents like mistreatment to employees, performance of supervisors can be discussed publically if they are used for employees welfare (Marler and Fisher 2013). However, employers have the authority to maintain privacy over certain aspects such as business practice, employees, and customers. Efficiency Development of effective HR practices can control the usage of social media at workplace. They should use social media at workplace periodically (Jabbour et al. 2013). It will also help to improve efficiency of performance of employees at workplace. Confidentiality HR practices needed to be developed to make sure that employees have to protect pricing models, business plans of the organization. As Morgeson et al. (2013) mentioned that employers often reveal some sensitive information about their clients to employees. Employees in social media should not discuss this information. A confidentiality agreement has to be signed by both employers and employees to maintain confidentiality. Transparency Employers have to be honest and transparent about the information they provide in the posts in social media. When employees post anything about their employers they need to remember that they are also the part of the organization. Any wrong claim about the company can also hamper their career. Conclusion In this assignment, the scope, legal framework and significance of HR practices of an organization has been discussed. There is a scenario has been discussed in this assignment where the employee works as telephone support for flight and holiday package booking for a holiday restaurant chain. She is fired due to her irrelevant comment in Facebook related with sick leave. The company has accused the employees with various issues such as misconduct, distorting company reputation. She approaches to a HR manager to discuss about her future steps. The HR manager analyses that the employee provides wrong information about the working environment of the company. It can negatively affect the company reputation. However, the employee can take action against the company in accordance to the International human rights law 2006. The effective HR practices required control social media usage are also discussed in this assignment. A company has to develop its HR policies depending on respect. There are certain points such as responsibility, etiquette, selectivity, privacy, efficiency, confidentiality, and transparency that both employees and employers have to keep in their mind while providing some information in social media sites. Reference list Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), pp.330-351. Antonioli, D., Mancinelli, S. and Mazzanti, M., 2013. Is environmental innovation embedded within high-performance organisational changes? The role of human resource management and complementarity in green business strategies.Research Policy,42(4), pp.975-988. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. (2016). British Airways Christian employee Nadia Eweida wins case - BBC News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2016]. (2016). How free speech can get you fired - BBC News. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2016]. Hoch, J.E. and Dulebohn, J.H., 2013. Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation. Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.114-125. Jabbour, C.J.C., de Sousa Jabbour, A.B.L., Govindan, K., Teixeira, A.A. and de Souza Freitas, W.R., 2013. Environmental management and operational performance in automotive companies in Brazil: the role of human resource management and lean manufacturing.Journal of Cleaner Production,47, pp.129-140. Jose, G. and Mampilly, S.R., 2012. Satisfaction with HR practices and employee engagement: a social exchange perspective.Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies,4(7), p.423-430. Katou, A.A. and Budhwar, P.S., 2012. The link between HR practices, psychological contract fulfillment, and organizational performance: The case of the Greek service sector.Thunderbird international business review,54(6), pp.793-809. Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of Management,39(2), pp.366-391. Marescaux, E., De Winne, S. and Sels, L., 2012. HR practices and HRM outcomes: The role of basic need satisfaction.Personnel Review,42(1), pp.4-27. Marler, J.H. and Fisher, S.L., 2013. An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.18-36. Morgeson, F.P., Aguinis, H., Waldman, D.A. and Siegel, D.S., 2013. Extending corporate social responsibility research to the human resource management and organizational behavior domains: A look to the future.Personnel Psychology,66(4), pp.805-824. (2016). BBC News | UK | Bakery fined for employees' oven deaths. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2016]. Renwick, D.W., Redman, T. and Maguire, S., 2013. Green human resource management: a review and research agenda*.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), pp.1-14. Weber, Y., Rachman-Moore, D. and Tarba, S.Y., 2012. HR practices during post-merger conflict and merger performance.International Journal of Cross Cultural Management,12(1), pp.73-99.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Performance Contract in Kenya as a Strategy for Improvement free essay sample
Performance contract is an agreement between a manager and an employee about the employee’s responsibilities and behaviors during a review period. It can also be defined as an agreement between government and a public agency which establishes general goal for the agency set targets for measuring performance and provide incentives for achieving these targets (Walts, 2003). In Government of Kenya public organization offer low quality service to its citizen despite the competition they opponents which are private sector, for government to make sure this habit of providing low quality service is put to an end, a step should be taken to increase the efficiency of the public enterprise and hence further drain on the country’s treasury resulting from his behaviors. Judges and teachers are refusing to sign performance contract claiming that it will divide there solidarity since it will mean that they are paid according to what they produce/contribute to the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Performance Contract in Kenya as a Strategy for Improvement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Teachers and judges claim that performance contract does not conform to there needs hence they cannot sign performance contract since it is a disadvantage to them (Abdulahi, 2008). Performance in public service can be improved by designing performance contract after carefully examining and adapting to the needs of the public sector. When it does not adopt to the particular needs of the public sector most people will not accept to sign the contract, and can be seen in Kenya by most civil servants refusing to sign performance contract (Government of Kenya, 2007). Reasons of driving public sector while providing their service to sign up to some parameter of performance is accountability. Employees in both public and private sector on clearly defined targets, whose achievement ultimately determine their pay packages and bonus payments. According to the government of Kenya example commissioner for higher education (2006/2007), benefit of the contract would be to ensure financial sustainability, enhance and sustain staff commitment and motivation and also ensure excellent service to its citizen. In addition to the provision of the corporation (performance contract) regulation 2004, section 4(2), commission has responded to the contract through various obligations such as setting performance criteria, preparing employees in the commission for the desired change in working styles, attitude and work ethics, signing and negotiating performance contract and by ensuring achievement of performance target. Research show that organization which adopt performance contracting as their policy mostly reach their target and always run at a profit this is because the organizations are desirous of enhancing transparency in the management of organization resources and accountability(Frost,et al. ,2004). People usually resist changes brought about in the work place that is if a change is detected by employees this will strike resistance within the workplace, but with time they will adopt to the new changes, and with this competitive world of ours this it will enhance efficient, effective and ethical delivery of services to the citizens of Kenya.
Monday, March 9, 2020
DNA Testing Essays
Biology 101 / DNA Testing Essays Biology 101 / DNA Testing Paper Biology 101 / DNA Testing Paper If someone could test my DNA and tell me what diseases I would likely to suffer from in 25 years, I would want to know the result because if I would know the result I could prepare for it and find an immediate solution or if possible have cure for it at once and also prepare for the child I would have in the future or abstain for having a child because they might have the probability of inheriting and bearing the disease. After reading the article, I’ve known that my decision is correct and of right choice. Say for example, I have a positive test for sickle cell disease which is an inherited disorder in which RBC’s or the red blood cell are abnormally shaped resulting to serious infections, chronic anemia, painful episodes and damage to the organs, and both my parents have the sickle cell trait this will mean that I will have a 25% chance of having an expressed sickle cell disease in the future. If I have an African American blood this may have also increased the probability for me of contracting Sickle cell anemia [example]. If the test is correct, after some years, symptoms may occur, and these symptoms may includes anemia, aplastic crisis, acute chest syndrome, infection, hand-foot syndrome or dactylitis, infection, splenic sequestration crisis, painful crisis, and/or stroke. Sickle cell anemia has no cure but some treatment can be given to me if my disease has been diagnosed at an early time and these are bone marrow transplant, the use of penicillin, or appropriate immunizations which can prevent serious infections like pneumonia and meningitis. After knowing that I have contracted the disease my family can help me with giving the right caring and remedies. If I would get married or have a child in the future I would prefer first to have a genetic counseling, for me to know if my child would also inherit the disease or not and also to know if my spouse have a recessive trait of sickle cell anemia which may increase the probability of my child having the disease (Pearson, 2007). References Pearson – Prentice Hall. (2007). Biology A Guide to the Natural World 3e. Retrieved December 26 2007, from
Friday, February 21, 2020
The Fall of The Roman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Fall of The Roman Empire - Essay Example However the major reasons for the Roman Empire could be stated as: antagonist behavior among Emperor and senate, derogatory moral and ethical principles, political corruption, the Empire’s vast expansion, the barbarian nature of Roman military and their heavy spending and natural disasters. One of the major cause o f declines of Roman Empire was the Agnostic style of rule by Roman rulers as they had legal power in military, civil and religious areas of Rome. The decisions of life and death were in hands of Roman rulers. The Roman rulers who were rich and immoral, practiced law in a wrongful manner led to their downfall. As per (Heather 102) â€Å"Roman public life was stripped of its moral fiber with the destruction of Carthage, its major rival, in 146 BC†. Decline in moral and ethical values was a prime reason for the destabilizing of the Roman Empire. The reckless behavior of wealthy upper class Romans had an adverse impact on Roman citizens. The malpractices like promiscuous sexual activates forgery, adultery and arrogance led to their fall gradually. The widespread emergence of brothels, gambling activities and excessive consumption of alcohol led Romans to a failure as rulers. Another main reason for the downfall of Roman Empire was the prevalence of political corruption among soldiers .The political corruption was practiced mainly by the elite soldiers who were Emperor’s body guards. They gained such a power because they could solely decide whether to retain the emperor or overthrew him from the position. The Praetorian guards even held the authority to auction the royal position to the person who bid the highest. According to (Grisham) â€Å"Political corruption was rife in Roman society. Even choosing a new Emperor was difficult and uncertain. The army and Praetorian Guard (the Emperors elite bodyguards) fought over succession†. The speed of expansion of the geographical area of the Roman Empire also resulted in its loss of power. The Roman rulers
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Computer Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Computer Security - Essay Example These measures although controversial and undefined currently in their basic emphasis and in all certainty aim to reduce free access, ease of use, timeliness and the completely cost effective advantages that attract such a high level of abuse to the facility. This in itself is a true loss with legitimate users caught in the cross fire and being on the receiving end of all the barriers that are proposed to the easy usage of email and web access. The core problem with spam is that it bears the senders almost no cost to send the spam. The network service providers and the recipients bear the cost. Hence the cost associated with spam weighs down on the receivers in terms of reduced convenience and higher cost resulting from the proposed proof of work that aims to alter the economics of spam, by requiring that the send commit to a per-email cost. There are many reasons why a systemic spam response has not been adopted. This is mainly because the proposed responses lack in suitable aspects and hence cannot be generally adopted as a counter for the issue at hand. This issue being largely the enabling factor that spam is cheap to send. The most original and highly examined model to deter spam is the proof-of-word model. This comprises a set of proposals, in which email senders would be required to pay money, perform a resource-intensive computation, perform a series of memory operations, or post a bond for each message sent. The working assumption of this model was to deter spam by making it uneconomic to send a large number of messages, while enabling legitimate users to send small number of messages. Hence proof of work reverses the cost model of email by charging the sender instead of the user. All these components of the proof of work model seem promising however a uniform POW mechanism will not. Firstly because if it is expensive enough to stop spammers it must be so expensive that it will also stop legitimate users. Infact, the cost to a spammer would have to be a magnitude higher than the cost to a legitimate user because spammers face very different production costs due to spambots. The model does not accommodate these variable magnitudes. Second it is proposed that POW might work if it is combined with anti spam efforts such as reputation systems and per-email spam identification mechanisms. However criticism of this approach is based on the fact that these efforts suffer from penalizing new IP addresses and discarding incorrectly identified email which is a type of effort difficult to balance and will result in either new entrants being not allowed to send email, or each ne IP address will be allowed to send enough email that spam remains profitable. Changes to the current infrastructure are necessary to counter spam. It is suggested in various researches that unsolicited bulk email is such a problem on the internet mainly because the current economic framework and the basic infrastructure for email handling does little to discourage it . It
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Social Inequalities Affect Health Health And Social Care Essay
Social Inequalities Affect Health Health And Social Care Essay Social inequalities in health have been widely accepted and documented (Fox, 1989; Davey-Smith et al., 1990; Macintyre, 1997; Marmot et al., 1997), and have been particularly apparent in The Black Report (Townsend and Davidson, 1982) which has revealed wide disparities (health gap) between people at opposite ends of the social strata, that are widely increasing in the UK (Marmot and McDowell, 1986; Macintyre, 1997) and the US (Papas et al, 1993). A burgeoning volume of research identifies social factors at the root of much of these health inequalities, for instance, researchers have found health to be socially patterned (gradient effect), where individuals at high ends of the social class experience better health and live longer, than their counterparts (Acheson 1998; Adler et al., 1998) and this has been consistent, even when controlling for other factors (Lantz et al., 1998).Thus, if one moves up the social strata, the better ones health (Kitagawa Hauser, 1973). Social economic status (SES) has been used to assess ones social position as a reliable method, and many types of approaches have been used to assess SES, including occupation, household income or level of achieved education (Mackenbach and Kunst, 1997). Research has found that Individuals with a low SES have a lower mortality rate (Benzeval, 1995) and experience greater disability and ill health (Dalstra et al., 2005; Huisman et al., 2005; Marmot, Bosma, Hemingway, Brunner, Stansfeld, 1997; Marmot, Rose, Shipley, Hamilton, 1978). Deprived individuals may also have a greater propensity to develop diabetes, develop cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma, infectious diseases and all causes of mortality and even die, as a result of homicide (Adler and Ostrove, 1999; Ecob Smith, 1999; Schalick, Hadden, Pamuk, Navarro, Pappas, 2000; Sterling, Rosenbaum, Weinkam, 1993). Thus, ill-health can therefore restrict prospects of economic attainment (Adler et al, 1994; Marmot et al, 1997). One reason for this could be that people have to put up with poorer living conditions, which could result in them being exposed to hazardous and unhealthy environments i.e. pollution, noise, toxic waste, crowding, ambient noise and poor housing quality, which are linked with poor health and disease (Evans and Kantrovitz, 2002).Whilst individuals of a higher (SES) have a reduced risk of exposure to negative life events (Mcleod and Kessler, 1990) hence, decreasing their vulnerability of suffering chronic or acute illness (Cohen and Williamson, 1991). It is also been found that Children of less affluent families are less likely to succeed at school (Essen and Wedge, 1982), to be employed in more disadvantaged areas, and go through unemployment much earlier in their lives (Ashton et al1987). This can lead smoking, drinking, depression, anxiety, and poor health behaviours (Wilson and Walker, 1993) One other explanation for this inequality is that deprived individuals display more risk taking behaviours, such as; bad diet, smoking and being physically inactive. However, this view is not always supported, and researchers have found little or no relationship (OMalley et al., 1993; Donato et al., 1994). A growing body of research has also acknowledged the relationship between income inequality on individual health (Kawachi, 2002; Wilkinson, 1996), for example, low income has been correlated to show a risk factor for disease and ill-health (Syme, 1998), and according to the relative income hypothesis, people from a low SES are more prone to experience poor health if they feel disadvantaged than others (Marmot et al., 1991; Wilkinson, 1997). They are also more likely to experience depression and stress (Cohen et al., 1997) and this may subsequently hinder or weaken ones power to assess local health-related resources (Deaton, 2003). These consequences of income inequality can affect individuals significantly, resulting in frustration, stress and disruption, which can subsequently increase the rates of crime, violence and homicide (Wilkinson, 1996). Education also influences health through its relation with higher income (Chevalier et al, 2005) and better living environment, as those with a higher educational attainment are less likely to be unemployed, and more likely to have careers with higher earnings (Ross Wu, 1995). Furthermore, individuals with higher levels of educational attainment have shown to having certain psychological mechanisms, such as social support, economic resources and a strong sense of personal control, which are associated with a higher mortality rate and higher health status. (Kunst Mackenbach, 1994; Elo Preston, 1996). Parents educational attainment is also significant, as this can directly impact the Childs future health via primary socialisation; for example, Blackburn et al (2003) have found that higher levels of maternal education are associated with lower levels of household smoking, and hence, lower levels of tobacco exposure to children. An individuals health outcome can also be affected by the type of occupation, for example, The Black Report (Townsend and Davison, 1982) discovered that unskilled manual workers (social class V) regularly suffered from poorer health than those classified as professionals (Social class I). The Whitehall studies were particularly important in highlighting this association, researchers looked at British civil servants, and discovered higher mortality rates were found to be correlated with lower hierarchal rank (Marmot, 2004), and this social gradient was further refined and supported by Siegrist Marmot (2006). In addition, a strong inverse association was found, between the grade of employment and absenteeism as a result of health status (Stansfield et al, 1995). The type and quality of the job the individual has can also have a fundamental difference to their health, i.e. through occupational hazards and unsafe and physically demanding work environments (Lucas, 1974). It can also impact ones health indirectly through income security, or psychological or social mechanisms. Furthermore, Lower employment grades have showed almost three times greater occurrences of coronary heart disease (CHD) and lung cancer than those individuals in the highest employment grades (Marmot, 1986). Thus, one may conclude that the association between grade and type of work is apparent, and the environment of individuals in lower classs may not always be conducive to good health. An increasing amount of research asserts that health outcomes and health-related behaviour are directly linked with area of residence (Collins, Margo, 2000; Cubbin, Hadden, Winkleby, 2001; Guest, Almgren, Hussey, 1998; Jones and Moon, 1993; MacIntyre, MacIver Sooman, 1993; Pickett and Pearl, 2001; Ren, Amick, Williams, 1999; Shaw et al, 1999).People living in Disadvantaged areas usually experience poorer health (Townsend et al., 1988) and increasingly show higher levels of morbidity and mortality than individuals living in more prosperous areas (Achenson, 1998; Mackenbach, Kunst, Cavelaars, Groenhof, Geurts, 1997; Marmot and McDowell, 1986; Townsend, Whitehead, Davidson, 1992). An example of this was seen in the mortality rates ,in different Scottish postal code areas, which revealed a constant gradient of increased mortality from the most affluent, to the most disadvantaged areas, based on; social class, male unemployment, household overcrowding and access to car (Carstairs and Morris, 1991). The Health Divide (Whitehead,1988), revealed further discrepancies, where a North South health divide in the UK was found, and a higher prevalence of ill health become apparent in the industrialised North (Sidell, 2003). Further health inequalities existing, as a result of area of residence, was seen in Mexico, where a nine year difference in life expectancy was reported between people living in a poor county, and those in a relatively well-off county (Evans et al., 2001). Implications of living in a less affluent area can also impact the mortality risk for those individuals, of even a higher SES (Yen and Kapplan, 1999a). However, those who perceive themselves to live in deprived neighbourhoods are inclined to have more negative health signs i.e. high body mass index. A lower effective efficacy has also been reported amongst low income residents, whereby individuals perceive less cohesion and social control; this may impact the individual mentally i.e. depression (Cohen et al, 2003; Schafer-McDaniel, 2009) and even prohibit physical activity. Another barrier to health and its resultant inequalities is ethnicity/race. Ethnic minority groups have an increased rate of health inequalities, which have social consequences, (higher rates of coronary heart disease and diabetes), for example, research by Keppel, Pearcy and Wagener (2002) showed African-Americans in the United States experienced greater levels of illness (breast/lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and infant mortality rates) than other racial/ethnic minority groups. Morbidity rates have also been found to be higher for Bangladeshi and Pakistani minority groups, although findings did not generalise to Indian adults, who were found to have a similar health status to white adults (Cooper, 2002).These ethnic disparities have also been seen in the US where blacks seem to have worse health outcomes than whites, for instance, black women were more likely to have a child with a lower birth weight than their white counterparts (David and Collins, 1997). Despite these risk factors, discrimination and prejudice faced by ethnic minority groups further increases their chances of illness and death (Williams and Jackson, 2005). For instance, Smaje (1995) and Modood et al., (1997) found that black people in ethnic minority groups suffered greater material disadvantage as a result of discrimination. Less affluent individuals can also be prone to develop mental health problems, as a result of their status. Many studies have looked at the effect of SES, and deprivation in relation to mental health (Thornicroft, 1991; Jarman et al, 1992; Harrison et al, 1995). Evidence has shown the incidence of mental illness, is more pronounced in the lower socio-economic groups, for example, it was found that working class women were more likely to suffer from mental health problems i.e. bipolar disorder than middle-class women (Brown and Harris, 1978); A positive association between deprivation, low SES and schizophrenia was further emphasised in Rogers (1991) who reported low SES women were more likely to develop neurotic diagnoses, and those who suffered from poverty, were more likely to have an increased risk to develop bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, phobias, depression and suffer from drug related problems (Bruce, 1991). Reasons for these social inequalities existing are multifaceted, and a matter for continuing debate, however, The Black Report (Townsend and Davidson, 1982) outlined four explanations, the first being Artefact, This points out that inequalities in health are demonstrated using different measuring systems to assess social class, and so, associations are resulting from artefacts (Davey Smith et al, 1991). However, this account has been largely dismissed as evidence has visibly shown a health disparity across occupational groups. Furthermore, these inequalities have been verified using different forms of measurement to assess social class i.e. educational attainment and occupation. Thus, this explanation does not present a superior argument to the complexities of health inequalities in society, and so cannot be sustained. An alternative method of explaining social inequalities comes from social selection; this suggests healthy individuals move up (social mobilisation) the hierarchy, whilst individuals with poor health escalate downwards-which could be due unemployment, demotion, or disability (Moore and Porter, 1998).However, there is little evidence supports the view of social selection in relation to health inequalities (Whitehead, 1988) for example, Illness does affect social mobility; however, the size of the effect is very little to actually account for overall health differences (Wilkinson, 1997). The cultural behavioural explanation stipulates that health inequalities occur as a result of individual preferences and lifestyles, comprising of drinking, smoking, diet and exercise (Blaxter, 1990) and cultural factors. These health behaviors have been linked to death (i.e. lung cancer, coronary heart disease), and a social gradient has been found (Wardle and Griffith, 2001). Whilst there is a causal effect for mortality and morbidity, with health behaviours (i.e. smoking, diet), this explanation does not comprise of a complete explanation of inequalities, for instance, controlling for the risk factors of smoking, cholesterol and blood pressure (Whitehall studies) did not explain the increase in CHD mortality amongst administrative and other grades, Nevertheless they did account for about 25% of the disparity (Rose Marmot, 1981). This explanation can further be criticised as it tends to classify health behaviours as being synonymous with cultural influences, and fails to acknowledge other variables, it also associates ethnic groups with a pattern of behaviour which may not necessarily signify wide-spread health patterns in cultural groups. Another approach to explain inequalities in health is the materialistic/structural, which has been supported by many researchers (Acheson, 1998; Gordon, Shaw, Dorling Davey Smith 1999; Townsend, Davidson, Whitehead, 1992). This approach states that inequalities are a result of unequal access to material and physical resources (Raphael, 2006). These include housing, working conditions, quality of available food, among others. Thus, research has consistently shown that social health inequalities exist and need to be dealt with. Health psychologists have played an important part in exposing the individual determinants of health related experiences and behaviour. In particular, highlighting the plight of these psychological and social factors. Therefore, acknowledging these health determinants can be significant in potentially reducing or even diminishing these health disparities, as awareness and research are significant to public health intervention. The benefits of such research are also advantageous, as it highlights that an individual is not alone responsible for their own health, but a number of factors come in to play. Moreover, future research can thus investigate these social determinants, in particular, distinguishing between factors that affect health and those that form health inequalities. For instance, education as a social factor impinges on health but it is the lack of access to it and associated illiteracy that lead to inequalities.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Hieroglyphic Symbols Essays -- essays research papers fc
Hieroglyphic Symbols One of the many contributions that the Egyptian Empire gave modern society was the beginning of a complex alphabetic system. This system also set the foundation for the development of many other systems used by us today such as an accurate calendar and the mathematical formulas used by architects and doctors. The Egyptians named this system Hieroglyphic Symbols. Hieroglyphic comes from the Greek â€Å"hiero glyphica†which means â€Å"sacred carving†. Hieroglyphics were the first form of written communication in the Western world. The developments of hieroglyphics happened about three thousand years before Christ. Egyptians referred to Hieroglyphics as â€Å"the words of God†. But how did the Egyptians develop such a system? Well, the Egyptian traders noticed how helpful a written language was while they conducted business in the Land of Sumer and they brought some ideas to their land. The growing government and bureaucracy made it necessary to have some sort of system that could help society to keep track of history and business. It took a lot of time and effort for the Egyptians to develop their own hieroglyphic system. One of the main problems with hieroglyphics was its complexity. The system was so complicated and hard to learn that only royalty, scribes, priests, and government officials were able to understand the system. Hieroglyphic symbols began with pictures. At first the symbols represented only objects, but later they were also used to express ideas and ...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Of Men And Mice †Is loneliness mans greatest enemy? Essay
Loneliness is a state of being alone in sadness, resulting from being forsaken or abandoned. As I understand it, loneliness is when a person has no one to talk to, no one to confide in, nor anyone to keep companionship with. Loneliness also makes a person slip into a desolate state, which they try to conceal under a tough image, and is an emotion even the strongest cannot avoid. In his novel, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck deals with loneliness by looking for comfort in a friend, but settling for the attentive ear of a stranger. Although they seem at ease and friendly on the surface, a deep sense of loneliness lingers in the hearts of Crooks, George, and Curley’s wife, to which they are desperate to find an escape from to cope with their seclusion from the rest of society. Crooks, a lively, sharp-witted, black stablehand, who takes his name from his crooked back, leads a lonely life. He lives according to the rule that no black man is allowed to enter a white man’s home. Crooks’ loneliness is a result of rejection from everyone else on the ranch. He is forced to live alone in a barn, where he lives his life in isolation because of his colour, which was an issue in those days. When Lennie visits him in the room, Crooks’ reactions reveal the fact that he is lonely. As a black man with a physical handicap, Crooks is forced to live on the border of ranch life. He is not even allowed to enter the white men’s bunkhouse, or join them in a game of cards. His resentment typically comes out through his bitter, sad, and touching vulnerability, as he tells Lennie: †¦A guy needs somebody–to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody. Don’t make no difference who the guy is, long’s he’s with you. †¦I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick. (Steinbeck 72-73) Crooks’ openness of his inner self, and his ability to speak his heart’s desire to a stranger illustrates how lonely he gets, and admits that it results in sickness. Furthermore, as bitter as he is about his exclusion from other men, Crooks is grateful for Lennie’s company, and when Candy enters Crook’s room, it becomes difficult for him to conceal his pleasure with anger. The only relationship he can find is with his books. When Lennie talks about his dream farm, Crooks hesitantly asks Lennie an alternative for him to escape his loneliness, â€Å"‘†¦If you†¦guys would want a hand to work for nothing–just his keep, why I’d come an’ lend a hand'†(Steinbeck 76). Crooks’ desperation to get out of his lonely spell prompts him to make such a drastic, but shy, suggestion. Crooks becomes so desperate for a relationship that he offers his services to George and Lennie for free, just to escape his loneliness. Crooks is not successful in overcoming his loneliness because Lennie dies in a matter of days, and no white man in his right mind would care to step foot in Crooks’ humble abode. George, a short-tempered but loving and devoted friend, is lost in loneliness. At the beginning of the novel, George reveals his thoughts on loneliness in a story that he narrates about Lennie, himself, on a farm: Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place†¦. With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to sit in no bar room blowin’ in our jack jus’ because we got no place else to go. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us. (Steinbeck 13-14) George realizes that loneliness attributes too much of his sufferings. George’s rough attitude to conceal his loneliness and to admit to suffering from profound loneliness is revealed when he reminds Lennie that the life of a ranch-hand is among the loneliest of lives. Migrant workers, like George, rarely have anyone to look to for companionship. To overcome his loneliness, George not only befriends Lennie, but he seems to find companionship with his co-workers as well. He eagerly accepts the invitation to go into town with ‘the boys’, leaving Lennie alone in the barn with the animals. Towards the end of the novel, George feels an even greater sense of loneliness and guilt before he kills Lennie. Instead of being angry and reprimanding him, George, overcome by his forthcoming loneliness, responds to Lennie’s running away to the caves, â€Å"No †¦ I want you to stay here with me†(Steinbeck 104). The wave of nostalgia and loneliness that engulfs George is so overwhelming, that he shoots Lennie instantly. In this way, George is not successful of overcoming his loneliness because he would mourn for the loss of his friend for a long time, leading him to feel even more guilty and lonely. Curley’s wife, who walks the ranch as a temptress, hides a deep sense of loneliness behind the â€Å"tramp,†â€Å"tart,†and â€Å"bitch†masks that she puts on. For a young lady to wed at an early age, and then be left alone at home, would send one in a deep state of loneliness or depression. She is married to a man that gives her little attention and none of his time. Curley’s wife’s ‘mask’ of a prostitute hides the vulnerability, dissatisfaction, and loneliness in her life. Her first outburst in Crooks’ room tears down a wall of her image: –Sat’iday night. Ever’body out doin’ som’pin’. Ever’body! An’ what am I doin’? Standin’ here talkin’ to a bunch of bindle stiffs–a nigger an’ a dum-dum and a lousy ol’ sheep–an’ likin’ it because they ain’t nobody else. (Steinbeck 78). Being the only woman on the ranch, Curley’s wife does not have another person to talk to who could emphasize with her. She has no friends, no future, no respect; she does not even deserve a name! Desperate to satisfy her need for belonging and love, she turns to strangers such as Lennie, Crooks, and Candy. Before her death, Curley’s wife reveals a lot about herself to Lennie, the only person that she feels she can talk to. She hints at her loneliness when she says, â€Å"Seems like they ain’t none of them cares how I gotta live,†(Steinbeck 88). Her aggravation and frustration about being lonely is being released, and she may be free, in a way, because she has finally released most of her innermost feelings and emotions before her death. She is successful in getting a person like Lennie to talk to and confide in, but it works out to her misfortune that she has to be mercilessly killed by his hands. All three of the characters share the despair of wanting to change the way they are and attain a victory over their loneliness. Crook’s loneliness is hidden by his character, but eventually comes to surface while talking to Lennie. George’s loneliness is hidden by his rough attitude, which seems to disappear when narrating the story of the farm to Lennie. Curley’s wife’s loneliness is covered behind the mask of a portrayed prostitute, but the mask falls off during her conversations with strangers, including Lennie. I think John Steinbeck’s message about loneliness and people’s attempts to overcome loneliness in the novel is to reveal to us the nature of human’s true existence. One cannot escape from being lonely, and the characters’ attempts to overcome their loneliness is to seek the desire and comfort of a friend, but settle for the attentive ear of a stranger. I feel that Steinbeck is not completely successful in delivering his message across because for a full realization, one has to dig deep into the story, as well as place themselves in the shoes of a character to emphasize with, as well as relate to them and perceive their misery.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Memo on RICO Criminal Defense Practice - 1246 Words
TO: L.T. Gator, VP Innocence Reigns, and Attorneys At Law FROM: L.O. Lee-Para, Support Department RE: RICO Criminal Defense Practice Per your instructions, please find a broad overview and recommendation for our firms strategic direction in regard to the RICO criminal defense practice. Certainly, it is understood that if we continue to robustly pursue RICO cases, there may be a need to scale back on other segments of the business. However, if you will not the enclosed exhibit, you will see that we can make a valid fiscal contribution to the firm based on just a few RICO cases per annum. Additionally, references have been included to help buttress your argument, but are listed separately for your convenience. Please contact me if I may provide additional information. Background The RICO Act- The RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) was enacted as a Federal Law in 1970 and is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 17 of the United States Code. Its original intent was to prosecute members of the Mafia as well as other individuals who were actively engaged in organized crime in the United Sates (18 USC Chapter 96 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, 1970). The RICO Act focuses on those who organized the crime, ordered the crime, or planned the crime not necessarily those who actually committed the crime. The Act was originally intended as a means of aggressively prosecuting members of organized crime families who were well-insulated from moreShow MoreRelatedMadoff Scandal6132 Words  | 25 PagesMadoff was sentenced on June 29th, 2009 to 150 years in prison for crimes that the judge called â€Å"extraordinarily evil†3 and imposed a sentence that was three times as long as the federal probation office suggested and more than 10 times as long as defense lawyers had requested. Early Career Bernard Lawrence Madoff was born in New York City on April 29, 1938 and grew up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. He earned a degree in political science from New York’s Hofstra University in 1960 andRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 Pagess manual is available from John Wiley Sons, Inc., to faculty members who adopt the book for classroom use. Almost all of the case studies are factual. In most circumstances, the cases and situations have been taken from the author s consulting practice. Some educators prefer not to use case studies dated back to the 1970s and 1980s. It would xii PREFACE be easy just to change the dates but inappropriate in the eyes of the author. The circumstances surrounding these cases and situationsRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesimply that somebody must both do and not do something. ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬CONCEPT CHECKââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬ Which of the following, if any, are most likely not principles of logical reasoning? ï‚ · Dont accept inconsistent beliefs. ï‚ · You ought to give an argument in defense of what you want another person to believe. ï‚ · The degree of confidence you have in your reasons should affect the degree of confidence you have in your conclusion. ââ€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬Ã¢â€â‚¬4 Statements are logically inconsistent with each other if you can tellRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesContents PART 1 UNDERSTANDING HRM Chapter 1 The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Learning Outcomes 2 Introduction 4 5 Understanding Cultural Environments 4 The Changing World of Technology What Is a Knowledge Worker? 6 How Technology Affects HRM Practices 6 Recruiting 7 Employee Selection 7 Training and Development 7 Ethics and Employee Rights 7 Motivating Knowledge Workers 7 Paying Employees Market Value 8 Communications 8 Decentralized Work Sites 8 Skill Levels 8 A Legal Concern 8 Employee InvolvementRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words  | 1792 PagesNeeded to Prevent Fraud, Waste, and Abuse TITLE VIIâ€â€MEDICAID AND CHIP Subtitle Aâ€â€Medicaid and Health Reform Subtitle Bâ€â€Prevention Subtitle Câ€â€Access Subtitle Dâ€â€Coverage Subtitle Eâ€â€Financing Subtitle Fâ€â€Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Subtitle Gâ€â€Puerto Rico and the Territories Subtitle Hâ€â€Miscellaneous TITLE VIIIâ€â€REVENUE-RELATED PROVISIONS TITLE IXâ€â€MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS DIVISION Câ€â€PUBLIC HEALTH AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TITLE Iâ€â€COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS TITLE IIâ€â€WORKFORCE Subtitle Aâ€â€Primary CareRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesCommunication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior
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