Monday, May 25, 2020
The United States And The Civil War - 817 Words
Ariana Murrieta Ms. Klanderud US History 18 September 2015 The United States dealt through many problems and challenges that they were forced to overcome. Throughout the battles that The U.S. faced, they encountered many benefits that shaped them. Such as the conflict in the west, the gilded age the change and industrialization, along with the progressive area were events that lead to the problems and issues that the United States addressed. Because of the Civil War, the lives of American Indians were greatly impacted. Before the civil war, Indian tribes and whites were enemies. By the end of the war, the two groups had grown together and became significant to one another, this included the Great Plains. This was a huge benefit for†¦show more content†¦The tribe was much divided but without these two leaders, the tribes would have been destroyed. The tribes were able to live in peace for a while until they were forced to move and so that is when their chief Joseph who lead them as they moved to the Idaho reservation. The Indians wanted to remain independent so they headed north. As the tribe was led by their chief the US wouldn’t let the tribe out of their sight, and finally were able to catch up to them. Once the US caught up they stopped most of the Indians from moving forward. The U.S were successful in putting them back onto the reservation. The US army faced challenges when it came to battles with the Sioux. The problem with this battle was that the Lakota Sioux was winning the battle and before peace was settled by the government, many U.S troops were killed. The US government created the Grants peace policy which was made to help war with the Indians. The Indians would be allowed to have their freedom. After that had happened, The U.S. created the Dawes Severalty a] Act which had a goal of making the Indians owners of farms and lands. Throughout much of the West, the battle between those who wanted to control the land, and those who wanted land for their cattle. America dealt with all this as the west was expanding as they defeated the Indians and successfully creating the Homestead Act. The U.S. also expanded through the use of transportation. Railroads became important
Thursday, May 14, 2020
War and Peace in the Quran Free Essay Example, 3500 words
Jihad can be hardly understood by the Westerners. To tell the truth, even Muslims themselves have long been negotiating about the issues of war and peace and jihad, respectively. Regarding modern Islamic discourse of war and peace, historical events, a process of decolonization etc, Muslim intellectuals have started to express common points of view on jihad. Though certain debates are still echoed in the Islamic world, processes of globalization and international relations development have shifted from jihad, in comparison with the Medieval Age (Holmes 1989). Moreover, it is relevant nowadays not only to reconsider and reinterpret Islamic considerations about jihad but also try to find out something positive and alternative for the Western theory of war and peace. Two main sources of Islamic ethics are Qur'an and practice (Sunna) of the prophet Muhammad. Let s turn our attention to these two sources and to considerations of the grounds of war and the means of war in the Medieval Age . Moreover, it is interesting to find out common features between Islamic and Western traditions, i.e. between jihad and Just War. The main controversy about jihad occurs on the basis of the juristic historical definition of war and peace and not philosophical or ethical sources. We will write a custom essay sample on War and Peace in the Quran or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Thus essential political issues of that period remained uncovered and ethics was not applied to specific situations. Islamic history of the end of the fourteenth century has the following lines: wars and different kinds of fighting have always occurred in the world since God created it (Qur an).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Issue Of Gun Control - 938 Words
During presidential debates numerous controversial issues are discussed. Some of the controversial issues have been a topic of interest for ongoing years, furthermore; divide the populous of the nation. Aside from the stand on abortion, a never ending debate that can affect nearly every American is gun control. Both sides of gun control are equally adamant. The pro side, represented by the NRA, National Rifle Association continues to oppose gun policies primarily on the argument that restricting gun ownership is unconstitutional. However, gun control advocates argue that that violence is an epidemic across the country that is out of control. The second amendment to the constitution states that Americans have the right to keep and bear arms without government interference. The government tries to implement laws that will affect everyone. Rightfully so, the focus and concern should preventing the juveniles and criminals access to weapons. However, as history and time have shown us, c riminals do not obey the laws as it is, after all; this is why we do call them criminals. Implementing laws on gun control will not affect criminals’ possession or access to weapons. For example, multiple drugs such as cocaine and heroin are illegal, yet we have plenty of addicts occupying our society. For criminals, if there is a will there is a way. Criminal behavior cannot be controlled by the government. Criminals now, who already possess handguns, have moreShow MoreRelatedGun Issue And Gun Control1401 Words  | 6 PagesUniversity, Gun Politics has been a course I have aspired to take. While many enroll in such a course looking for an escape from the â€Å"collegiate liberal echo chamber†or as an outlet for their conservative agendas, I saw the class as an â€Å"entrance to the dark side.†My views on guns prior to the class were, I would call, polarized yet uninformed. In most of my discussions, I would cite the Australian 1996 National Firearms Agree ment as precedent for how American politicians should approach the gun issueRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagessomebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun.†(Simple Minded Gun Control). Gun control is a controversial issue worldwide. The reason why this has attracted so much attention is because not everyone is in favor of gun control and each side brings up excellent points about the issue. Research related to this issue strongly supports the claim that there SHOULD be more gun control laws. Three arguments that prove this position are (1) Incidents like Sandy HookRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1489 Words  | 6 Pagessplit on the issue of gun control. We have seen many violent shootings and innocent people dying because of gun violence. Some Americans believe we need strict gun laws to protect our children and ourselves from these horrific tragedies. Other Americans believes it is our rights as Ameri cans to posses’ guns and we are entitled to that right in our constitution. There are also some Americans that are stuck in the middle and can see both sides but recent events have definitely caused this issue to be inRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1031 Words  | 5 Pagesintegrate them in a way that will trigger a new viewpoint on the subject. Gun control is something that should be enforced across the world in order to save lives. In the United States there is a ratio of 88.8 guns per one hundred persons ( Those numbers award us with the highest total per capita number in the world. With that amount of firepower there needs to be an efficient way to regulate who exactly can purchase a gun. Since 1791 when the second amendment was ratified there have beenRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1705 Words  | 7 Pagesaway without preface or reason. All someone needs to do is pull the trigger. In today’s world, guns are far too accessible to the people of society. We hear in the news, stories of mass shootings, homicides, and suicides; most of which are caused by the activation of a gun. A hot-button issue, gun control is one of the most debated topics in American politics. Should we, or should we not, be able to own guns? Although it infringes on the Second Amendment that provides the right to bear arms, this amendmentRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control951 Words  | 4 PagesGun control has been a big topic for the past decade in the united states. These debates will rise and fall time in and time out after something horrific happens in the state. Anti-Gun supporters do not realize that it is extremely difficult to regulate something in the states that is a big portion of our economy.Would stricter gun laws change anything? So far statistically It has been proven otherwise one must consider how a citizen would defend themselves when they are faced with terror. How willRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control929 Words  | 4 PagesGu n Control Getting arrested yesterday was not the highlight of my week. I was hungry; so I went to Wal-Mart get some charcoal, lighter fluid, and steak. I put the charcoal in the grill and the lighter fluid on the coals. I got a little lighter fluid on my arm, but I didn’t pay it much attention. I lit the match and threw it on the coals. I looked down and my sleeve was on fire. I was waving my arm in the air, trying to put it out. Then here they come the police pulled in and tackled me to theRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1552 Words  | 7 PagesThe issue of gun is always controversial. Firearm can be used as defending or an assaulting weapon. In United States, firearm increase the rate of homicide, suicide and gun violence, which can harm and murder people. Moreover, taking away people’s gun will not work effectively because the murder and criminal will find another ways to get guns. Also, the black market will appear for the people who cannot get guns from regulated market s. In addition, if regulated guns are banned, murderers may useRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1678 Words  | 7 PagesJanuary 2014 The 2nd Amendment Over the past few years, the issue of gun control has been widely discussed. You surely have heard the phrase, â€Å"Guns don’t kill people, people kill people†uttered and i wholeheartedly support this statement. It is important to treat guns responsibly so they do not end up in the wrong hands. I believe gun control violates our inalienable rights. Another piece of our liberty will surely be taken away if guns are banned, and socialism and totalitarianism will be rightRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1208 Words  | 5 PagesWill Christopherson Traverson English 2 1 March 2017 Gun Control The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, or about 270,000,000 guns, which is the highest total and per capita number across the globe. The current public gun control debate in the United States seems to be placed on standby until it is sparked up by a major mass shooting. There were at least 126 mass shootings between January 2000 and July 2014.(pro). Opponents of more gun laws accuse supporters of using a horrific event to further
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Legal Framework and Significance of HR Practices
Question: Describe about the Legal Framework and Significance of HR Practices. Answer: Introduction In this assignment, a case scenario has been given where a company has raised issues against an employees assumed conduct. The company has fired the employee for this reason. The employee named Tolu has approached an HR consultant to discuss about her future action. The employee believes that, she has been treated unfairly. She believes that she has the freedom of speech and the company has no right to check her personal communication, which has nothing to do with her job. Here the HR consultant has to analyze all the critical issues that have been raised by the company against Tolu. These issues are like company reputation, staff communication, privacy at work and managing conduct. The HR consultant also need to find out the legal position of the employee against the company regarding the regarding her termination over Face book post. It is also required to be analyzed whether employees can whatever they want on their social media accounts. In addition, the HR consultant also needs to investigate the implication of ethical practices regarding the management of social media within workplace. The HR consultant can take relevant examples and case laws to support his or her judgement. In this task, the HR consultant has to evaluate those issues related with employees misconduct that has been raised by the company. In this case scenario, the employee named Tolu worked as customer service assistance for a Holiday Company. She has the responsibility to provide support for holiday package booking and online flight booking for customers. The company is recently checking the personal blogs and social media accounts of its employees. From one of the Facebook comments, the company comes to know that Tolu is going to take a sick leave, as she cannot work with headache. The management of the company knows that she is not sick. As she is going to give wrong information to the company as the reason of leave, the company treated it as alleged conduct. The company decides to terminate her employment immediately. There are some severe issues have been raised by the company against the employee. They are such as hampering company reputation, alleged conduct, communication between employees and privacy at work. As Armstrong and Taylor (2014) stated that, reputation of an organization can be termed as an opinion of people about that organization. Most of the organizations are very concern about their brand image or public reputation. As Jabbour et al. (2013) mention that, company reputation is a distinct form of brand image, which can be developed with the help of positive communication and conversation with customers and other stockholders. Behaviors of stakeholders such as commitment, advocacy are the positive outcome of company reputation. According to Jose and Mampilly (2012), any corporate misstep or wrongdoing can negatively affect the reputation of the company. For example, the company Coca-Cola lost more than $60 million in the year of 1999, as some schoolchildren reported to have sympto ms like shivering, nauseas, and shivering after drinking the product (Antonioli et al. 2013). In this case, scenario the holiday company thinks that Tolus comment in the Facebook page can give wrong information about the working environment of the company. It can negatively affect the company reputation. There is another issue has been raised against the employee in effective management of conduct. According to Hoch and Dulebohn (2013), a company always wants to maintain discipline at workplace in order to control the behavior of employees. It also helps the corporation to establish company rules. The major reason behind conduct management is correct behavior of employees. There are some major example of misconduct is like dishonesty, use of abusive language, theft, failure to notify absence etc. In this scenario, the company has considered Tolu as a dishonest employee. As the company knows that, she is not actually sick; the company accuses her for misconduct. There is also another issue that has been raised in this case, which is the privacy of employees at work. According to Katou and Budhwar (2012), individuals have less privacy rights at work than they have in their personal life. Workers do not have the privacy to check their emails at the work. In the workplace, employers have the power to check their conversations at workplace. In some states like California, rules have been developed that a notification has be sent to the employees when employers check their personal messages ( 2016). The US Supreme Court has developed policy that employers can check the messages of employees. Here the company management has checked the Face Book account of Tolu and finds out the conversation. In this case, the employee has to be more cautious while talking in social media. Tolu has to be more careful to say what she wants on her Facebook page or in her blog. She was aware that the company management had been recently going through the socia l networking sites of new recruitments. However, the company was also reviewing the blogs of existing employees as well. Tolu was not aware about it. She unknowingly has posted a comment about taking a sick leave due to headache. As she is not actually sick, she has to be more careful about leaving any false comment in social media sites. However, Tolu can take some legal actions against the company. There is some employee information, which is legal for surveillance. Employers can check whether employees are violating the company policy or not ( 2016). Management can check personal messages of employee to investigate any criminal incident. In this case, the company should not have checked the Facebook account. Tolu in her comment mentioned that she might have taken a sick leave due to headache. However, she came to office regularly. Still the company accused her for false information. Here the employee can take protection of International human rights law 2006. In the article 19 of International convent on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), it has been mentioned that every person has the right to hold any opinion without any interference. They have the right to impart or receive ideas or information with the help of any media. In this task, the HR consultant has to critically discuss the application of good practices regarding the management of social media at the workplace. Presently most of the peoples in this world use social media. There are more than 1.1 billion users of Facebook, more than 500 million users of Twitter and 225 users of LinkedIn ( 2016). It is also analyzed that huge numbers of employees use social media at workplace. In US, there are more than 66% employees use social media more than 2 hours per day ( 2016). 25% peoples who will reject to work in a company prohibit the use of social media. This huge amount of usage of social media has created fear in the mind of employers. From the contemporary human resource management theory, it has been found that inappropriate HR practice related with social media management can decrease the productivity of employees. As Alfes et al. (2013) mentioned that social media policies are also an important part of HR practices just like other polices such as discrimination, vacation and leave. Governments of various countries have developed some rules and regulations related with the social media HR practices. Some of these regulations are self-contradictory in nature, which creates confusion. However, the basic principle of social media HR practice is about respect (Kehoe and Wright 2013). The HR practices must have to respect employees privacy and employers authority. There are mainly two rules related with the social media HR practices related with respect. Firstly, employers of a company have to be careful with the terms they use and the context in which these terms are used. Secondly, employers have to be tolerating about public criticism (Marler and Fisher 2013). For example, a restaurant chain has fired an employee for leaving informal comment about the supervisor in Facebook. In reply, the employed had developed a YouTube video to share his experience at workplace. There are thousands of viewers, who watch this video in YouTube. It has distorted the reputation of the restaurant chain. Employees also have to be careful about using social media. They must not leave any irrelevant or informal message about the company in social media. They need to understand that these comments can harm the reputation of company and distort the brand image. It can lead to suspension or permanent suspension of an employee from a job (Marescaux et al. 2012). In t his case scenario, Tolu had to be cautious about leaving a comment on Facebook related with sick leave. As Morgeson et al. (2013) mentioned that, the HR practices related with social media management can be best described with the help of RESPECT. Responsibly Workers have to be responsible for three aspects. They have to be responsible for the content of the post and the audience these posts reach. They also have to think about the potential impact of these posts. For example, an officer of Boston Police department kept on tweeting about a bombing incident in Boston. For this reason, he was fired from the job ( 2016). He violated all these three rules. Etiquette Employees cannot leave any comment in social media sites, which give rise to racial discrimination (Renwick et al. 2013). They must not harass other employees using their social media comments. It is against the policy of a company to develop harassment and discrimination free working environment (Weber et al. 2012). Figure 1: Effective HR practices to control usage of social media (Source: Jabbour et al. 2013) Selectivity Employees have to be selective about the time, situation, and content of their comments. For example, good review of employees about a company can improve its operation. On the contrary, negative feedback about supervisors, working environment can harm the reputation of the company. Privacy The National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) has considered that contents like mistreatment to employees, performance of supervisors can be discussed publically if they are used for employees welfare (Marler and Fisher 2013). However, employers have the authority to maintain privacy over certain aspects such as business practice, employees, and customers. Efficiency Development of effective HR practices can control the usage of social media at workplace. They should use social media at workplace periodically (Jabbour et al. 2013). It will also help to improve efficiency of performance of employees at workplace. Confidentiality HR practices needed to be developed to make sure that employees have to protect pricing models, business plans of the organization. As Morgeson et al. (2013) mentioned that employers often reveal some sensitive information about their clients to employees. Employees in social media should not discuss this information. A confidentiality agreement has to be signed by both employers and employees to maintain confidentiality. Transparency Employers have to be honest and transparent about the information they provide in the posts in social media. When employees post anything about their employers they need to remember that they are also the part of the organization. Any wrong claim about the company can also hamper their career. Conclusion In this assignment, the scope, legal framework and significance of HR practices of an organization has been discussed. There is a scenario has been discussed in this assignment where the employee works as telephone support for flight and holiday package booking for a holiday restaurant chain. She is fired due to her irrelevant comment in Facebook related with sick leave. The company has accused the employees with various issues such as misconduct, distorting company reputation. She approaches to a HR manager to discuss about her future steps. The HR manager analyses that the employee provides wrong information about the working environment of the company. It can negatively affect the company reputation. However, the employee can take action against the company in accordance to the International human rights law 2006. The effective HR practices required control social media usage are also discussed in this assignment. A company has to develop its HR policies depending on respect. There are certain points such as responsibility, etiquette, selectivity, privacy, efficiency, confidentiality, and transparency that both employees and employers have to keep in their mind while providing some information in social media sites. Reference list Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), pp.330-351. Antonioli, D., Mancinelli, S. and Mazzanti, M., 2013. Is environmental innovation embedded within high-performance organisational changes? 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